Sources: Google Censors Freedom


Sources: Google Censors Freedom

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[1] Wikileaks

Google is not what it seems
Julian Assange

[2] The Wikileaks Files

By Julian Assange & Others
A December 13, 2006, cable “Influencing the SARG [Syrian government] in the End of 2006” by William Roebuck, who at the time was in charge’d’affaires at US embassy in Damascus, suggests this idea. The Wikileaks book added the emphasis (they used italics, I used bold/underline), but the exact quote is unaltered, as follows:

“Possible action:

Play on Sunni Fears of Iranian Influence: There are fears in Syria that the Iranians are active in both Shia proselytizing and conversion of, mostly poor, Sunnis. Though often exaggerated, such fears reflect an element of the Sunni community in Syria that is increasingly upset by and focused on the spread of Iranian influence in their country through activities ranging from mosque construction to business. Both the local Egyptian and Saudi mission here (as well as prominent Syrian Sunni religious leaders) are giving increasing attention to the matter and we should coordinate more closely with their governments on ways to better publicize and focus regional attention to the issue.”
So the goal of the lead American diplomat in Syria was to fan sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shite by promoting “exaggerated” fears of Shiite influence in the region. Even though Roebuck knew these claims to be either false or inflated, he still pushed to try to get a Sunni uprising. In essence, the United States is purposefully causing Sunni rebellion in Syria, while simultaneously occupying Iraq to suppress Sunni rebellion.

[3a] Corbett Report

YouTube Blacklists Federal Reserve Information. It’s Up To YOU To Spread It!
By James Corbett
Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve

[3b] MSNBC

Chris Hayes on Twitter
Nitter Proxy for your privacy:
Original version on Twitter:

[4a] Irish Times

Google used ‘double-Irish’ to shift $75.4bn in profits out of Ireland
By Charlie Taylor
Apr 17 2021, for 2019 fiscal year

[4b] Reuters

Google shifted $23 billion to tax haven Bermuda in 2017: filing
By Reuters Staff
Reporting by Bart Meijer; Editing by Anthony Deutsch and Mark Potter
Dec 21, 2017

[5] Gotcha SEO

Is Google Biased? We Analyzed 50 Key Politically-Driven Topics to Find Out (Updated for 2022)
By Nathan Gotch
November 5, 2022

63.8% Neutral
31.8% Left
5% Right
.edu and .gov domains
“gold standard” isn’t neutral.


[6a] Washington Times

Jordan B. Peterson’s YouTube account locked during biblical lecture series: ‘No explanation’
By Douglas Ernst
August 1, 2017

[6b] Intellectual Takeout

Google Owes Jordan Peterson an Explanation
By Jon Miltimore
August 2, 2017

[7] Mental Outlaw

On Jordan Peterson

[8a] North Carolina State University

A Peek into the Political Biases in Email Spam Filtering Algorithms During US Election 2020
Hassan Iqbal, Usman Mahmood Khan, Hassan Ali Khan, Muhammad Shahzad
Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University

“Gmail leaned towards the left while Outlook and Yahoo leaned towards the right. Yahoo retained about half of all the political emails in inbox (up to 55.2% marked as spam) while Outlook filtered out the vast majority of emails (over 71.8%) from all political candidates and marked them as spam. Gmail, however, retained the majority of left-wing candidate emails in inbox (< 10.12% marked as spam) while sent the majority of right-wing candidate emails to the spam folder (up to 77.2% marked as spam). We further observed that the percentage of emails marked by Gmail as spam from the right-wing candidates grew steadily as the election date approached while the percentage of emails marked as spam from the left-wing candidates remained about the same.”

2020 US election over a period of 5 months from July 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 on Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo. We created 102 email accounts and subscribed to 2 Presidential, 78 Senate, and 156 House candidates.

[8b] Fox News

Google’s Gmail favors left-wing candidates, sends far more emails from conservatives to spam: study
By Brian Flood
April 8, 2022

gmail to non-gmail below one
four months of data collection, we analyzed 5,134 emails from 171 groups and politicians.

[9] The Markup

How We Examined Gmail’s Treatment of Political Emails
By Leon Yin, Adrianne Jeffries, and Surya Mattu
February 26, 2020
or Tor Onion Link:

[10] Mcview Point

Dr. Joseph Mercola
Sep 29, 2022

[11] The Hill

Republicans file FEC complaint over alleged Google censorship of fundraising emails
By Max Greenwood

[12] Moonshot CVE

Their website

[13] Mental Outlaw

firefox video

[14] The Verge Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard sues Google for suspending her ad account By Adi Robertson Jul 25, 2019


[15] Forbes

Google’s Censorship Of Cryptocurrencies Goes Way Beyond YouTube
Roger Huang
Dec 31, 2019

[16] Crypto News

Google Censorship Strikes Again as MetaMask Android Faces Play Store Suspension
December 27, 2019

Metamask delisted from chrome web store 2018
Metamask delisted from Android Play Store in 2019

[17] Mobile App Daily

The Ban On Crypto-Mining Apps On Google Play Store Seems Ineffective
By Tanya, Editor In Chief
Updated March 11, 2020

[18] Coin Telegraph

Google Play Store Takes Down Crypto News Apps, Including Cointelegraph’s
By Kollen Post
Mar 2, 2020

[19a] Crypto Briefing

Dec. 25, 2019
Chris Dunn (200k subs, 7 million views), Node Investor, Chico Crypto, The Crypto Lark, Ivan on Tech, Crypto Tips

[19b] Bitcoinist

Youtube Crypto Censorship Just Got Extreme
By Christina Comben
Crypto Crow censored

[19c] CoinDesk

YouTube Temporarily Bans Two Popular Crypto Channels Claiming Policy Breach
By Sebastian Sinclair
Original Mar 11, 2020
Updated Sep 14, 2021’s Mining Video Censored: The Tale of Youtube’s Blatant Censorship and Propaganda
By Jamie Redman
May 18, 2020

Crypto Briefing

YouTube Is Censoring Crypto Content, Channel Owners Say
by Mike Dalton

Additional Sources of Information

YFS Magazine

3 Reasons Why For Business Is A Bad Idea
Given how important business email is for marketing and communications, here are three reasons why you should not use Gmail for business.
By Maggie Aland

Rust Yellis

Gmail is Killing Your Business
By Rusty Ellis
Medium front end:

Phoenix IT

Using a Free Email Service May Be Costing Your Company Business Opportunities


Tulsi Gabbard: Online search and Wikipedia data reveals that her debate spike didn’t come out of the blue.
By Alvin Chang
Jun 27, 2019

The Guardian

Anti-extremism software to be used to tackle vaccine disinformation
By Ben Quinn
Jul 21, 2019
Tor Onion Link:


Software Used To Stop ISIS And KKK To Be Used Against Anti-Vaxxers
By Lucy Connolly
22 July 2019

Vice News

Google Docs Is Randomly Flagging Files for Violating Its Terms of Service
By Louise Matsakis
October 31, 2017

“The holding company reported a $13 billion pretax profit for 2019, which was effectively tax-free, the accounts show.”
tax resident at the time in Bermuda, where the “standard rate tax is 0 per cent”

Linux for Everyone

Searching For The Best Linux Gaming Distro? Don’t Trust Google…
December 15, 2020

Mental Outlaw

Youtube is so Corrupt it’s Unreal

Business Insider (India Edition)

Google is bringing back crypto ads — but is leaving a lot of crypto companies out of the loop
BI India Bureau
Aug 4, 2021


Search Engine Censorship
THE GOOD CENSOR – Google Growth Strategy: ‘Shift Towards Censorship’ to Appease Authoritarian Governments
By Allum Bokhari
9 Oct 2018

The Verge

Leaked Google research shows company grappling with censorship and free speech
By Nick Statt
Oct 10, 2018

Tech News World

Of Course Google Is Biased
By Rob Enderle
September 3, 2018

The extreme bias against conservative sources in Google News is… human
By David Wojick
September 1st, 2019

Jen Gennai is the head of “Responsible Innovation” for Google, a sector that monitors and evaluates the responsible implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies
“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.” “We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

Project Veritas

Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam
June 24, 2019
collecting all of this data, from advertising perspective doesn’t make sense to show him content it knows he dislikes

American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology

Google has the ability to shift voting preferences among undecided voters by as much as 63%, and the power to determine 25% of global elections

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